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Showing posts from September, 2018

Is this golden snake real or a hoax?

This impressive photo editing was done for a graphics contest on called  Alternate Materials: Gold, Adding the Midas touch   which took place about seven years ago. The goldn snake photo ranked second among a field of many impressive entries. “Mandrak”, the contestant who created the gold-textured snake, can take pride that his creation has become something of an urban legend, often circulated by internet “fact” pages as a real creature.Below you can see the gold image, and the original photograph from which it was altered The golden snake photo began circulating in late 2012 with a new caption, attempting to clam that this is a real, rare snake. This caption reads: Golden Snake is only found in thick dense Amazon forest. Only less than 10 is estimated to be alive. It’s saliva, venom and skin contains 24 carrot pure Gold. One strike from a Golden snake could kill you within 5 minutes. Many have disappeared, after...