A college student got an unpleasant surprise on a recent trip to her refrigerator. Instead of coming away with food Tuesday morning, the Hamilton College student was given a fright when she discovered a large snake behind the fridge in her dorm, WKTV reported. The student was “very, very upset,” according to campus security, which said a worker caught the nearly 5-foot long yellow snake believed to be a boa constrictor, Syracuse.com reported. In spite of the shock, the student did not pack up and leave her dorm and college, according to 96.1 The Eagle, which said she was “doing much better” a day after finding the large snake. The snake is a pet of another Hamilton student living in Bundy East Residence hall, per WKTV, which said the serpent was able to escape from the tote it was being kept in and likely slid under the door. But students are not allowed to have pets on campus, unless they are a service animal, according to 96.1 The Eagle. A screenshot...
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